2.3.0 version
Update of the new version 2.3.0 with new features listed below
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Adding the delivery of goods in orders and invoices
Emails history
Improved the feature of sending invoices by email and adding the user interface of the sent emails
English version
Improving the English version to satisfy our UK customers
Customer zone
Your're close to your customers who have a space to see the quoations you publish for them and they have the possibility to add comments
New currency
You are more likely to trust us and from all over the world, new currencies are always added.
In one click, you can import your customers using your excel file.
And more...
Improvements was made on the entire application to improve navigation.
We cite among them:
  • Adding shortcuts to facilitate the creation of customers and products
  • Numbering of accounting documents.
  • Setting up emailing by adding default texts.
Other features to come
- Purchasing Management
- Generation of accounting entries
- Proforma invoice
- Adding new publishing models

  • You can suggest features.
  • You can send us a publishing model and we will set up for you.
  • You can ask us at any time to reset the numbering of your accounting records.
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Contact Information
Phone: 09 70 44 00 11
Email: contact@softecpro.com
© 2014 Softec