2.4.0 version
Update of the new version 2.4.0 with new features listed below

The main improvement of this version is the addition of supplier management with the modules described below :

Supplier management, you can with this version, define your supplier by product.
Supplier orders
Adding order management providers, with a tracking state
Supplier payment
To let you know the payment status of your suppliers
Suppliers delivery
You can track the delivery status of your orders suppliers, this will charge your stock directly.
Product purchase price
By adding the purchase price of the products, we are now able to calculate the margin and profits generated.
Improved dashboard to provide you a better management tool.
And more...
Improvements was made on the entire application to improve navigation.
We cite among them:
  • Menu review for better access to different interfaces of the application
  • Adding shortcuts to facilitate the access to deliveries and payments
Other features to come

- Generation of accounting entries
- Proforma invoice
- Adding new publishing models

  • You can suggest features.
  • You can send us a publishing model and we will set up for you.
  • You can ask us at any time to reset the numbering of your accounting records.
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Informations de contact
Phone: 09 70 44 00 11
Email: contact@softecpro.com
© 2014 Softec