2.2.0 version
Update of the new version 2.2.0 with new features listed below
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access to our software is secure.
Accounting documents numbers format can be configured.
You can add the corresponding taxes for your business.
Send quotes and invoices by email.
online chat
Integration of an online help module, a technician answers your questions instantly.
Credit note
Credit note added to the software.
And more...
Improvements was made on the entire application to improve navigation.
On cite parmi elles:
  • Adding shortcuts to facilitate the creation of customers and products
  • Improvement of customer user interface respondingto our customers suggestions.
  • Dashboard filter Improvement.
Other features to come
- Excel and CSV import
- Generation of accounting entries
- History of sent emails
- Adding new publishing models

  • You can suggest features.
  • You can send us a publishing model and we will set up for you.
  • You can ask us at any time to reset the numbering of your accounting records.
Our social networks
Informations de contact
Phone: 09 70 44 00 11
Email: contact@softecpro.com
© 2014 Softec